Windows 7 no internet
Click the Fix a Network Problem link. Otras personas también buscanOtras preguntas de los usuarios ¿Cómo solucionar problemas de Internet en Windows 7? Siga las instrucciones para verificar si hay problemas. Haga clic en Solucionar problemas. The steps below are just some steps you can take to help troubleshoot problems with your computer when you have one Windows computer. The following forum(s) are migrating to a new home on Microsoft QA: All English Windows IT Pro forums! Ask new questions on Microsoft QA. Subido por GnsisWhatever Solucionar problemas de drivers en windows 7. A veces se presentan conflictos con los drivers que trae el sistema operativo Windows 7. Solution: I discovered the problem but forgot to update this post sorry. The problem ended up being our firewall had IP Shunning enabled temporarily. How to connect to Internet by using Windows built-in PPPoE.